... He is making all things new ( and so are we.)

Today is “Day One.”

Hey Friends… I’ve got quite a bit of a life announcement....7SONG is starting over.

A few months ago, I posted a photo of the orchestra score to 7SONG for our recording that said today was ‘one day’…and we were well on our way to the fully orchestrated version of 7SONG- eight-ish years after writing it. Today, I'm holding a blank piece of paper... Due to some circumstances that are out of our control ( and some that are within), the only way we can go forward with 7SONG, is to rewrite the songs- completely from scratch, cut our losses with the album production, and start all the way over.

I grieved the loss of the original songs for about a day and the work and the resources we’ve put into it, but woke up the next morning full of resolve, grace, and excitement for what’s to come. After all, it’s been about 10 years of work in total to get to this point. We’ve had some really beautiful moments, and some really hard ones to boot. Im grateful for them all- it’s been learning and growth to now.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had to bury your life’s work after a decade and start over, but it’s a weird feeling. Even though we’re starting over, I wouldn’t call it a failure, I know people have encountered Jesus through 7SONG, and that’s never a failure. In addition, the experience we’ve gained these past years with the first edition of 7SONG is providing us with much wisdom as we move forward. I feel grateful that I can commit my entire life to this- and that we CAN start over, and keep going.

Today feels like 10 years in the making, and I’m happy to be here.

I am so grateful for every person and every church who has supported us along the way- by hosting us, your encouraging words, and resources. I’m also so thankful to my team, who has spent endless hours on these songs, and get to do it all over again What will stay the same is that 7SONG will be the full story of the Bible in seven songs, written fully from scripture, and we will record a full orchestration, and translate it into as many languages and distribute through as many mediums as possible.

In the words of Dallas Jenkins, the creator of The Chosen (who has no idea that he’s mentoring me) “My job is to provide the best and healthiest loaves and fishes I can create, and then it’s up to God to multiply them. The results are in his hands”. I feel this so fully. Too many things have lined up perfectly- setting us up for this moment that It would be foolish for me to question God’s hand in this direction.

Today we launch a new beginning- and I cannot wait to see where this goes. We'd love for you to check out our new website is live at www.7songmusic.com .

We have BIG dreams for the future- we are funding an initial $250,000 for the new English album, soundtrack, video, distribution, and first five language translations and recording. That feels huge- but we can and will do it. All gifts large and small help us to rebuild 7SONG & share the Gospel in song- at www.7songmusic.com/support

I have so much more to share, but first, I’ve got some songs to write.

To the future….

With all my heart,
